RUF at UNC Chapel Hill

Here to help the tired, the lonely, the skeptical, and the committed connect to God and one another on campus.


RUF exists to reach UNC for Christ and to equip students to serve Christ.

Reformed University Fellowship is a community of students that is learning how to love God, love people, and love the University of North Carolina.  The way that we do that is to create safe places (large groups, small groups, one-on-ones) for students of all types and backgrounds to process the story of Jesus and to learn how to integrate their lives into His story.

Love God  |  Love Others  |  Love UNC

Wednesdays @ 8:00 pm in Howell Hall! Join us for worship, fun, and snacks!

To learn more about what we are doing please contact us or check our events page!

Also check out our community groups!


Here's a brief snapshot of God's work in the ministry of RUF at UNC! Enjoy and share with anyone you think would be interested in knowing more about our ministry.


Want to join in?

What We Are Doing

Weekly Email
